31 October, 2011

October 2011 Wrap-up

Yardage Totals 2011

January: 1071 yds
February: 762 yds
March: 1189 yds
April: 1083 yds
May: 849 yds
June: 487 yds
July: 222 yds
August: 687 yds
September: 405 yds
October: 436yds

Year to date: 7,191 yds or 4.09 miles

Kittens, things have been crazy around here so blogging has taken a back burner until things get back to normal...though, it's been a very long time since that's happened. The Mister's schooling continues to get more involved and time consuming, leading me to more escapist uses of my time. I'm playing more social games now than I ever have before. At least I can control my pixel lives.

I had another month of nothing but toy knitting (and not daily at that), so it's not surprising that my numbers are still quite low. Someday, I'll break free from the toys and move onto higher yardage, less fiddly projects again. And once I take some pictures, I'll try to blog about an FO or two to break up the boring yardage tallies.

01 October, 2011

2011 Stash Down: Q3

2011 Stashdown Q1:

Yardage In: 15,254
Yardage Out: 1,737
Net Stash Change: +13,517
Ratio (yds out/in): .114

2011 Stashdown Q2:

Yardage In: 880
Yardage Out: 4,286
Net Stash Change: -3,406
Ratio (yds out/in): 4.87

2011 Stashdown Q3:

Yardage In: 1,975
Yardage Out: 2,125
Net Stash Change: -150
Ratio (yds out/in): 1.08

2011 totals so far:

Yardage In: 18,109
Yardage Out: 8,148
Net Stash Change: +9,961
Ratio (yds out/in): .450

So here we are at the end of Quarter 3, kittens. Where has 2011 gone?!

I had a pretty good Quarter 3 and remained, for the most part, stash neutral. There is one item that came in that I haven't counted yet (a kit), since I'm not sure I'm keeping it; I bought it for the pattern, not for the yarn. The colors are not 100% what I'd want for the project when I do decide to make it. If I do decide to keep the yarn, I'll be adding it into Quarter 4. I suspect I'll break it open and keep the few colors I like and then destash the rest, but who knows? Maybe I'll find a use for the other colors and I can use them up quickly to make up for the hit.

I was rather pleased that this quarter almost all of my stash out came from actual knitting rather than getting rid of yarn. I'm pretty happy with what I have in general and I'm looking forward to using it.

I am hoping for a larger yardage out number for Quarter 4 to help counteract the blanket yardage that came in during Quarter 1, but I'm not sure I have that much knit in me. I will be starting off with quite a few baby gifts/toy knits, and if I'm focused, I could finish those quickly and get the ball rolling. I do have hopes that I may knit another sweater this quarter, and that I'll finish my current pair of socks and maybe another in the next few months. So who knows? It could go pretty well. And at some point I want to pick back up the blanket o' doom I'm knitting for my son. Now that the weather is consistently staying under 90ยบ, it shouldn't be so unbearable to have all of that wool in my lap.

What about you, kittens? Do you have any plans for autumn knitting?