31 March, 2012

2012 Stashdown: Q1

Yes, it's really that time again: Q1 of 2012 Stashdown is complete.  So let's see how I did.

2012 Stashdown Q1:

Yardage In: 1,620
Yardage Out: 7,365
Net Stash Change: -5,745
Ratio (yds out/in): 4.55

I was green, kittens!  Really really green.  What a great start for the year.  I'm hoping to keep up the momentum and slowly chip away at my stash while still enjoying some new yarns here and there.  I'm not sure I'll be quite *this* green though, since I had a lot of unexpected destashing happen this quarter.  Items I've had sitting on my Ravelry trade/sell tab for ages were suddenly inquired about and are now all gone.

Anywho!  I'm trying something a bit different this year since I've been wanting to see a bigger picture of my stash reduction efforts that I started in 2010.  I plan to update this image every quarter so I can compare how things have gone.  (I'm still hoping to knock out that blanket yardage from 2011's Q1.  Oh my, can you imagine my numbers the quarter that happens?!) 

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