31 May, 2013

May 2013: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2013:

January: 869yds
February: 1,038yds
March:  1,100yds
April:  1,251yds
May: 1,112yds

Year To Date: 5,370yds or 3.05 miles

Kittens, it's hard to believe it is that time of the month again. Where did May go?!

May was another respectable month yardage wise...despite hot, sticky weather, a love affair with spinning, and starting a cross-stitch to occupy my time, I stayed over 1,000 yards for the fourth month in a row.  I'm batting 4/5 for 2013!  (I find it impressive, anyway.)  I'm hoping I can keep up the momentum for June: I plan to finish my Pomme de Pin and Color Affection,  knit 1-2 more skeins on my blanket, and get a good start on my husband's long languishing socks.  Should be a busy one!

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