12 September, 2012

I did it again: Not A Podcast

Kittens!  I decided to try another video.  Things were a bit more chaotic this time but I eventually got what I wanted to say out.  Here are the linkies I mentioned:

♥  Starving Musician hats
♥  Knit Picks Swish Tonal (Summer BLOOMS and Canopy.  I came close on that one!  Also it's $14.39, not $14.99.)
♥  Amineko, just a bit closer to being finished.  If I can find my stuffing pellets, I'd be done.
♥  I tried a different editing program this week.  I like some things about it better, others not so much.  What I really need to do is buckle down and spend the time learning to use them rather than guessing and pressing buttons with wild abandon.
♥  I use the word "actually" too much when I'm flustered.

And I think that's it.  Hopefully it wasn't too painful to watch. :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Your color affection looks great! Love the video blogs you have been doing. It is like hanging out with you again:)