17 March, 2011

A Peek at my Bed Quilt Progress

This is how I spent last night: sandwiching our bed quilt.

It took about twice as long as I thought it would, and I had forgotten how hard on the body it is to work with such a large piece. My knees and back where really unhappy with me last night by the time this was finished.

And this is how I'll be spending today and tonight. Honestly, quite a few more, "today and tonights," will be spent like this. I'm quilting these lines close together, about 3 per inch. It's a pretty neat textural effect so far.


Jen said...

looks great so far!

Unknown said...

Thank you!

The Cheap Chic Momma said...

Wow, I wish I had the guts and patience to sew a new bed quilt!