Kittens! Knitting! Sweater! Working at a decent pace! How many exclamation points are needed to show just how excited I am about this?
This week I actually have decent pictures to show off. (We managed to eek them out mere minutes before the sun disappeared for the day. I was knitting like a fiend to get to the end of my skein so we could take them.)

In the past week, I've managed to knit double the yardage I already finished on this sweater. It's coming along quickly now that I'm able to try it on and confirm that it's OK. Knitters who swatch and then knit without ever trying something on confuse me a lot. I don't know if I'll ever "get" that mentality. Maybe I take for granted the fact that my body requires so many different pattern sizes to make something fit that I have to try all of my sweaters on and make sure they're working. I can never just Trust The Swatch.
This was supposed to be a test knit, and I meant to finish it in a timely manner, but thanks to The Girl, it had to be put on hold for over a month. She stole and hid all of my interchangeable connector parts and none of my cables were large enough to try this on. So it sat for awhile until I had the funds to reorder my parts from Knit Picks. Then I had to wait for them to arrive. By the time they made it here I had fallen into knitting ennui and moved onto quilting to distract myself. It wasn't until last week that I finally felt like picking this back up and getting to work. (And of course, once the new parts arrived, my old ones immediately surfaced.)
The pattern has since been released for sale, and I would recommend it. The construction is not difficult at all and the saddle shoulder construction is a nice change from raglan sweaters. It's still seamless with no fussy sewing in of sleeves. Hopefully, I'll have a more in-depth FO post for this soon as well as a review for the yarn. I have...interesting things to say about it.
Beautiful sweater! I love the color.
Isn't that usually the way it goes... once you reorder something the original shows up!
This is looking great! I've never done a saddle shoulder sweater before, but now I think I must try it. :)
- Lina
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