02 July, 2013

2013 Stashdown: Q2

So here it is: Quarter 2 of 2013's Stashdown efforts.  This year I am tracking all four year's worth of numbers and seeing if any trends pop up.  So far...I'm not getting much out of them.  But I find this fun in a weird, nerdy sort of way.

(Click the image for a larger, and easier to read version.)

Why I ever try to make plans is beyond me: it seems as soon as I say them, I act in ways that guarantee that I can not get the outcome I was aiming for.  Early on in Q2, I bought a bunch of yarn again...had April been like May and June, I would have had little or no stash in at all.  I do not count fiber for my Stashdown efforts--neither in nor out.

I'm amazed I am not busting out all over the place with yarn here.

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